Artist & Artworks

  • Rumen Mihov DIMITROV

    Bulgaria,  1965~
  • Title of work

    Zip Nature
  • Size

    150 × 400 × 1000cm
  • Material

    Wood, soil, grass

Zip Nature

Artist's note

Zip Nature is a land art installation with site – specific object which is 10 me-ters long with 1.5 meters high trees, 1 meter high soil tomb in the middle. The idea is wooden trunks burnet and opens the ground in vagina form, appears the fresh grass contrast the burned wooden trunks. With that idea announce the reborn the nature, like in the life every spring comes new one grass.



It’s called Zip Nature. The work visualizes nature as born again, as if you zip up and down your jacket. Just as a plant that was nowhere to be seen during the winter begins to bud in spring, nature, which repeats creation and extinction, always embraces life even when it faces death. The wood is burnt to become charcoal, but the charcoal is also transformed into maternal soil that saves new life. Nature, like a mother's womb, is the source of our life.



